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Art & Entertainment/Etc

Untapped Actor Market- Everyone Wants To Be An Actor!~~

by CouMongCat 2021. 4. 18.

How I Finally Got An Agent,

Quit My Day Job, and Made $85,000 Acting On TV... And How You Can Too!



Those who bring the check to the table, and

Those Who GET THE CHECK In The Mail...


Which do YOU Want To Be?

Do you remember what it felt like to dream about your life and what "being an actor" meant to you? I remember, and I thought I was ready.


And Then...




Everyone says that the Acting Business is tough, and that your chances of making a full-time income are slim because in real life, you need to be to make money while you build your dream career.


And that's why...


95% of Actors

Quit The Business

Before They Turn 30 Years Old.

Because unless mommy and daddy are paying the bills, you'll get a job, and by the time you're done working, you're too tired to focus on your career.  


That's where I was: broke, frustrated, and doing shows for my friends and family.


The SAME friends and family.


Sound familiar?

"It Wasn't Supposed To

Be Like THIS Was It?"

When did our teachers tell us that we would be doing all these things that have NOTHING to do with acting?

  • Waiting tables,
  • Temping at an office
  • Living with 5 roommates just to pay bills
  • Begging your parents for money
  • Never getting auditions because you're too busy working!

We were taught that if we just continued to hone our craft and get "good", then we would "be discovered" by someone right?


But guess what- that's not true!


In the real world, you need to support yourself while you hone your craft, and learn how to live as an actor- to be an actor.


And most people never make it.


If you're like I was, you're dreaming about sharing your gift, and getting the accolades you deserve. You're working with some amazingly creative people, and doing work that inspires, fulfills, and entertains you and others.


Now imagine your fantasy financial situation- I'll bet it is a comfortable life. I'll bet you have a feeling of freedom - something you don't have now.

I'll Bet Your Fantasy Acting Life

Does NOT Include:

  • Begging some boss for time off
  • Hoping someone will switch shifts with you
  • Worrying about health insurance
  • Wishing you'd get fired, but terrified of it too...

But isn't This What Our Teachers Taught Us?


"Take classes, get BACKSTAGE every week, and get a job waiting tables or bartending. If that doesn't work in a short while, get more schooling, meet the right people, and maybe that'll work... 


If not- teach acting!"


Don't get me wrong, the teachers that have taught us how to ACT are great-

They Taught Us "How To ACT", But Not


And there's a big difference.


My friends who were far more talented than me, and had degrees from acting schools were starting to quit.


They were getting older, and they started saying things like "I just can't stand being broke anymore"


I had a desk job myself, and I was about to throw in the towel too.


I Was Broke, Frustrated, and Going Nowhere In My Acting Career...

-Then $20 Changed My Whole Life!"

You see about 11 years ago, I found a terrible, scammy-looking website that told me I could "make money online". 


And even though I have tried them before, I am NOT talking about an "mlm pyramid deal", or "get other people to..." or anything like that at all- an actual course, about making money in a specific, simple, methodical way.


The course cost me $1000(!), and I didn't have it at the time, but I put it on a credit card because I wanted to change the path I was on. 


Do you know what I mean?


I also knew that if I was going to spend that much, that I would take it seriously and follow through with it. I would NOT let this pass me by.


There's an old saying that "If you keep doing what you've done, you'll keep getting what you've gotten".


I was willing to change what I was doing because I wanted a different path.


I paid the $1000, and opened my mind.


I learned about making a sort of "Online Vending Machine", selling other people's stuff on a website. Kinda like whenever someone buys something from a vending machine, the owner of the machine makes money. 


But I learned to do it online; It was weird at first, and I tried to do what it said, but I lost even more money.


And then more.


But I wasn't going to give up, and I learned more with each failure.


Until one day, I made $20.


I wasn't working at a job (in fact, I was at rehearsal), when I suddenly realized that this little website I had made selling other people's stuff made me $20 that day.


Well that was just the beginning!


I figured that since I could learn to make $20 in a day, that if I kept going, I could learn to make $200 in a day.


At first I only made a little, but I kept doing it until it became simple.


Then one day I made $1200 in one day just selling other people's stuff on my website!


That was the day I Quit My Day Job,

And I never looked back!

And Free from the Day Job, I could suddenly do ANYTHING I Wanted!

  • I wrote books!
  • I went on vacation!
  • I saved money!
  • I bought property!


Since I make money without a day job, I’ve been able to go on auditions, do shows, and shoot dozens of commercials. I’ve done very little TV and film, but in my career so far…

I have managed to make over $400,000 strictly from acting work.

I know- I can hardly believe it either.


And my family started seeing me on TV...


My mom actually started telling people that I was an actor, (instead of being embarrassed) and proudly asking "Have you seen my child on TV?"


And my neighbors saw me on TV...


And they would stop me in the street "Hey! I saw you, and I told everyone that I knew you!"


You see, once I got free of spending most of my time trying to make money to live on, I could do what I ACTUALLY wanted to do:

I get to PERFORM all the time,

and not worry about the money!

Nobody asks "Are you still TRYING to be an actor?" when you're making money!


So Now I've Put Everything I Learned Into A Quick, Easy, Downloadable eBook For Talented Actors Who Want To Quit Their Day Jobs and Go Full Time Too:




Get "No More Waiters" Special Sale!





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